This week, your hosts Steve Lowry and Yvonne Godfrey interview Steve Susman of Susman Godfrey, L.L.P. (
Bonus Episode: Karen Koehler | The Velvet Hammer
12-time Top 100 Washington Super Lawyers honoree Karen Koehler of Stritmatter Kessler Whelan Koehler Moore talks about her popular blog, “Lawyer As Human,” and the daily challenge to balance the needs of her clients and their cases with the demands of everyday life.
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Ep 016 | Karen Koehler | DINH Group v. Ride the Ducks | $123 Million Verdict
This week, your hosts Steve Lowry and Yvonne Godfrey interview Karen Koehler of Stritmatter Kessler Koehler Moore Law Firm (
Ep 015: Lloyd Bell | Sandra Williams v. St. Francis Hospital, Inc. et al. | $26 million verdict
This week, your hosts Steve Lowry and Yvonne Godfrey interview Lloyd Bell of the Bell Law Firm (
Ep 014: John Gomez | William & Elaine Kidd v. WKS Restaurant Corporation (El Pollo Loco) | $16.2 Million Verdict
This week, your hosts Steve Lowry and Yvonne Godfrey interview John Gomez of Gomez Trial Attorneys (
Ep 013: Ronnie Crosby | Wickersham v. Ford Motor Company | $3.3 million verdict
This week, your hosts Steve Lowry and Yvonne Godfrey interview Ronnie Crosby of Peters, Murdaugh, Parker, Eltzroth, and Detrick (
Bonus Episode: Tommy Malone | Perseverance
Ep 012: Tommy and Adam Malone | Sutton et al. v. Bauer et al. | A Major Verdict
This week, your hosts Steve Lowry and Yvonne Godfrey interview Tommy and Adam Malone for a second time.
Ep 011: Brian Panish | Jason Lo v. Dominick Consolazio | $41.8 million verdict
This week, your hosts Steve Lowry and Yvonne Godfrey interview Brian Panish of Panish, Shea, and Boyle LLP (
Ep 010 | Tab Turner | Linde V Arab Bank, PLC | $100 Million Verdict
Bonus Episode: Laura Shamp | Women Trial Attorneys
Ep 009: Laura Shamp | Jordan V. Phillip Morris | $11 Million Verdict
This week, your hosts Steve Lowry and Yvonne Godfrey interview Laura Shamp of Shamp, Jordan, and Woodward Trial Attorneys (
Ep 008: John E. Parker and Ronnie Crosby | Murphy v. Jefferson Pilot Communications | $13.2 Million Verdict
This week, your hosts Steve Lowry and Yvonne Godfrey interview John E. Parker and Ronnie Crosby of Peters, Murdaugh, Parker, Eltzroth, Detrick -
Ep 007: Andy Scherffius & Jeff Harris | Sasser V. Ford Motor Co. | $47 Million Verdict
This week, your hosts Steve Lowry and Yvonne Godfrey interview Andy Scherffius, Of Counsel Attorney for Conley Griggs Partin LLP and Jeff Harris of Harris Lowry and Manton, LLP.